Epiphany to Easter Sculpting Project 5: Body Changes Mind: Week 1

Epiphany to Easter Sculpting Project 5: Body Changes Mind: Week 1


I’m 8 years old with 3 books carefully stacked on my head. OK, how many steps can I take? 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. . The stack tumbles off, I laugh and hand the books to my friend for her attempt. This game was the full extent of my childhood training in posture.

I never considered important. I thought it just had to do with “looking good.”

30 years later. I’m on a walk reviewing my spiritual life and suddenly realize one of the things I consistently hear from God is ‘stand-up and sit-up straight’.

Huh? Why would this matter? Maybe it has to do with physical health.

More years go by. I am reading yet another research finding on the mind-body connection and the power that posture plays in my life.

Maybe this matters a lot. For my relationships. body, mind and spirit.

What does the research say?

How we move, stand and sit affects our mood, identity, relationships and actions.

Posture Study: (Amy Cuddy and Associates)

Subjects enter and give a saliva sample for measuring hormone level.

Two key hormones:

  1. Testosterone (associated with feeling of power and resilience).
  2. Cortisol (associated with stress).

Subjects divide into two groups

Group 1: postures of power/ dominance.

Stand or sit in expansive ways so as to occupy more space. Shoulders back, arms open, legs apart. (Think Wonder Woman)

Group 2: Postures of powerlessness

Stand or sit taking-up as little space a possible to become small or invisible. Shoulders hunched, hugging self, legs twisted together.

Subjects hold posture for 2 minutes.

New saliva test. New hormone levels.

Group 1: Power postures have increased testosterone and decreased cortisol.

They feel powerful and act with confidence.

Group 2: Powerless postures have decreased testosterone and increased cortisol.

They feel negative stress, powerless and act accordingly.

Bottom line: our posture affects our moods, identity, actions and relationship with others.

Movement Study (Sara Snodgrass and associates)

Subjects arrive and take various physical and mental tests

Subjects divide into 2 groups for a 3 minute walk.

Group 1:  Walks with long strides, swings arms, holds head up.

Group 2:  Walks with short strides, shuffling feet, watching feet.

After 3 minute walk – more tests.

Group 1 (Long strides) rated significantly higher on vigor and lower on depression and fatigue.

Group 2 (shufflers) rated lowest on vigor and highest on depression and fatigue.

3 minute walk + 2 minute posture = 5 minutes to increased well-being.

Epiphany to Easter Sculpting Project 5: Body Changes Mind Week 1 (Only)

  1. Choose a time and place for this walk and posture.
  2. Post us your choice.
  3. Walk for 3 minutes with long strides, swinging arms, holding your head up.
  4. Choose a posture and stay in it for 2 minutes. Remember: postures that make you bigger increase hormones that help you feel confidant. Postures that make you smaller will have the opposite effect. There is a time for both. (See below for blog with prayer posture ideas.)
  5. Post us your discoveries.

This is a one week project. Next week we will take on a different mind-body project.

Want to turn this project into a more directly spiritual project?

St. Dominic was enthusiastic in using his body postures for prayer. When I used his posture suggestions I was surprised to find the content of my prayers changed.  Check out Sculpting Project 12:  Posture Matters: Week 2.

Amy Cuddy’s Ted Talk on Posture Research 21 minutes  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks-_Mh1QhMc

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA bent-over women slowly entered the room. It had been 18 years since she had stood-up straight. 18 years of looking down, feeling small and powerless. Jesus saw her and called her to come to Him. “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” He touched her. Her back uncurled and she stood up straight and tall, praising God. Full story in Luke 14:10-17

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJesus set us free to stand straight and praise him.

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